Desert PowerPoint Template

The template talks about deserts, which are dry landforms full of stretches of sand and hot weather conditions.

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Desert lands are usually barren and unfit for agricultural purposes, and rain seldom occurs in these areas. Desert areas usually are prone to droughts, famines and acute water shortage due to their arid conditions. Some animals that are found in desert lands are camels, scorpions and reptiles, and an example of flora here is the thorny cactus plant. Some majorly known deserts in the world are the Sahara desert, Arabian Desert, Kalahari Desert, Gobi desert, Arctic desert, etc. This free nature PowerPoint template has the picture of a desert after the sunset, with the dim golden skies and the faint silhouette of desert sand stretches. The template can be used by school students for science projects or presentations on topics such as desertification and famous deserts in the world. Geography and nature resource websites can use the slideshow on their websites for information on geographical terrains of deserts and climate conditions, desert animals and desert plants, or desert ecosystem.

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