Music As A Career PowerPoint Template

As a career prospect, music is a versatile field/industry with a lot of dividends to pay. With genres from country music to trance, musical instruments to play from guitars to synthesizers; artists can have their pick to explore their musical passion.

Music Concerts PowerPoint Template

  Music concerts are shows, small and large scale, with live performances by established musicians and budding artists. They are usually accompanied by tunes from musical instruments like acoustic guitars, percussion, electronic drum kits, and violins and saxophones for classical and jazz concerts. This Music Concerts PowerPoint Template features a grey cloud bubble with the words […]

Vintage Music PowerPoint Template

  Music in the 1960’s to 1980’s can be classified under the category of classic vintage music era, where tunes with more mellow notes and more subtle lyrics were predominant. Vintage music was reliant on music instruments like the piano and saxophone, and big on genres like jazz and edgier grunge music in countries like […]