Jesus Christ of Nazareth was selfless and dedicated himself to the cause of spreading the word of God, and a fore-founder of Christianity.
On his last breath, in the chapter ‘Crucifixion of Christ’, also known as Passion of Christ, he was said to have imparted seven words/sentences to those of his loyal devotees and aides present near him. This free Jesus Words Of Wisdom PowerPoint Template can be used for presenting the seven words that he said at church services with prayers during sombre occasions such as Good Friday that pay homage to his sacrifice. It can also be downloaded to create presentations on verses from the Bible as said by Jesus Christ, and to talk about the miracles of Christ. Jesus Christ’s life in pictures can also be used in this free template to add visual interest, and to educate children about Christ’s beliefs to become a better person. It can be embedded with audio clips of hymns and songs such as ‘Hallelujah’ in praise of Jesus Christ’s deeds and wisdom, along with lyrics in the background.
You can do free Christian PowerPoint template download from below location:
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