Christianity has two sides- good and evil, and orthodox churches teach people about the seven sins that they consider have been afflicted upon rebellious individuals.
These sins are of mortal wrongness by nature and displease God, and every Christian is asked to avoid falling into their patterns. The seven deadly sins are envy, greed, gluttony, lust, pride, sloth and wrath and would have to be overcome to attain salvation. This Seven Deadly Sins PowerPoint Template is designed in dark purple and black undertones, with a silhouette of crucified Jesus Christ, signalling murky nature of sins that caused the death of Jesus, who took the fall for the sins of humanity. This free Christian PowerPoint template can be used by churches while addressing the religious and moral topic of sins, with accompanying summaries of historical stories such as ‘the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares’ and verses that condemn committing these misdeeds. Religious communities can do small screenings and presentations with these PowerPoint templates at schools and colleges, warning children of the dangers of falling into the wrong company. These can be accompanied by embedded video clips of wrongdoings that we see on a daily basis that fall under the category of the seven sins, such as alcoholism.
You can do free Christian PowerPoint template download from below location:
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