Vintage Music PowerPoint Template

Vintage music PowerPoint Template1

Vintage music PowerPoint Template2


Music in the 1960’s to 1980’s can be classified under the category of classic vintage music era, where tunes with more mellow notes and more subtle lyrics were predominant. Vintage music was reliant on music instruments like the piano and saxophone, and big on genres like jazz and edgier grunge music in countries like the United States of America and England. This Vintage Music PowerPoint Template has a faded sepia-tinted background, signifying times gone by, with the music device gramophone in the foreground which was the only musical apparatus back then, but a showpiece in homes now. The free music PowerPoint template can be downloaded for use at music seminars at music schools and colleges, where a study on the music era decades back can be presented, and on other topics such as the evolution of music. It can also be presented at vintage-themed parties, where pictures of old school style discotheques and swing dances can be embedded in the PowerPoint, along with songs and lyrics of old songs. The template can also be used for fashion ramp walks of designers, with traditional designs and old school couture, with the theme of the fashion show emblazoned in bold letters in the slide background, with audio clips of jazz tunes.

You can do free music template download from below location:

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