25 Masterpiece Rugby Certificates Templates – Free Download in Word

Rugby league football, a popular sport which has its origin in England is also known as Rugby League. Naturally, those successfully completed their Rugby coaching course are awarded certificates as a testimonial of their newly acquired skills. So, if you have a coaching institute where you need to award your students who have successfully completed the rugby league course, check out our small collection of Rugby certificate templates and download the ones that you feel are best to serve your purpose. So, let us have a look.

Coaching Certificate Rugby League

   Coaching Certificate Rugby League


The certificate devoid of any traditional border looks stunning with its layout in two distinct parts-one to the left consisting text and a watermark, and one to its right featuring an image of rugby players. The color combo of green and white further accentuates its beauty.

Online Rugby Coaching Certificate

Online Rugby Coaching Certificate


The certificate is an alluring one with a border in two distinct hues of blue on a white background. The illustrations at the top-left corner and the right-bottom also look lovely. The text in black is aligned to its center.

Rippa Rugby Certificate Template

Rippa Rugby Certificate Template


The certificate is minimalistic with minimal text to include necessary details and a wide border of contrasting color. However, an illustration to its one corner in bright red and gray makes it appear attractive. There is also a watermark featuring a rugby ball.

Rugby Achievement Certificate

Rugby Achievement Certificate


The certificate is meant for those who have displayed outstanding performance while playing a game of rugby or in a rugby coaching class.  The use of golden trophies as a watermark on a white background and a large image of rugby ball justifies the same.

Rugby Achievement Certificate Template

Rugby Achievement Certificate Template


A decorative border at two opposite sides and an illustration of a rugby player on a bright orange background sums up the above certificate. However, what truly make the certificate stand out is the awesome color palette of orange and white.

Rugby Award Certificate Templates

Rugby Award Certificate Templates


The narrow green border on the white background and the use of bright red in an illustration that looks like a rugby league logo is a beautiful one. While the header is in navy blue, it features the remaining text in black.

Rugby Awards Certificates Templates Free

Rugby Awards Certificates Templates Free


The use of red, green and blue on a white background gives this certificate a rare charm. Further, the use of beautiful font style and contrasting color for the text makes this certificate quite eye-catching in comparison to the rest of the certificates in this collection.

Rugby Certificate Templates

Rugby Certificate Templates


The color combo of pink and green looks heavenly in the certificate. A dash of blue and a watermark of a rugby ball on a white background seems too good for a sober looking award certificate for rugby players.

Rugby Certificate of Appreciation Template

Rugby Certificate of Appreciation Template


Brilliant graphics at the bottom in various hues of blue and a golden trophy defines this certificate which otherwise features a white background and text in black. Small ovals to its top in a horizontal fashion and a logo makes it more authentic as a rugby certificate.

Rugby Coaching Certificate

Rugby Coaching Certificate


Four straight lines intersect each other to form a border on a white background in the certificate. However, the use of four diverse colors i.e. red, blue, green and orange for the border and an illustration of a bull holding a rugby ball makes it quite charming.

Rugby Coaching Level 1 Certificate

Rugby Coaching Level 1 Certificate


With two horizontal lines in yellow at two opposite sides and no conventional border, the certificate looks different but elegant. It features three headers and an interesting illustration in brown and yellow to its right-bottom on a white background.

Rugby Laws Certificate

Rugby Laws Certificate


The certificate features images of blue bubbles on a white background that goes in perfect sync with the blue border and the blue illustration at one corner. The black text without any frills further accentuates its simplicity and charm.

Rugby League Certificate Template

Rugby League Certificate Template


The certificate features an attractive border in light and dark green. While the header and the text details are in conventional black, it has an illustration in red and white combo on a pristine white background.

Rugby League Coaching Certificate

Rugby League Coaching Certificate


The design layout is divided into two parts with one the text part to its left and the image part to its right. The certificate features three prominent headers on a light background and an image of a rugby player on a dark background.

Rugby Participation Award Certificate

Rugby Participation Award Certificate


An image of a golden cup with multiple stars on a light background and text on a white background in black forms a nice layout. It also features an illustration of a bull running while holding a rugby ball to its bottom i.e. just above the yellow horizontal line.

Rugby Participation Certificate

Rugby Participation Certificate


The certificate is quite simple with a text as watermark and a little graphics in blue at its two opposite sides on a white background. It also features a brown colored rugby ball to its one corner and text as usual in traditional black.

Rugby Ready Course Certificate

Rugby Ready Course Certificate


The border of the certificate seems like an engraving one with blue and white. The certificate features a blue background on which black text looks lovely. There is also a logo as it seems in navy blue.

Rugby Ready Online Certificate

Rugby Ready Online Certificate


Bright yellow and orange colors create an abstract design on the white background.  It also features two images of rugby balls at both sides of the text in black.

Rugby Sport Certificate

Rugby Sport Certificate


The certificate has an interesting design with lush green grass to its bottom and images of rugby balls at its two corners. However, the eye-grabbling element of the design is the border in green with small triangles of equal size.

Rugby Star Player Award

Rugby Star Player Award

The certificate features images of rugby balls at both sides of the text on a white background. There is also a blue horizontal line at the bottom and three stars of different colors below the green header.

Rugby Union Certificate

Rugby Union Certificate


Small black colored triangles of equal sizes lying adjacent to each other form a perfect border in the above certificate. The certificate is essentially monochrome in its color scheme and features minimal text on a white background.

Rugby Union Certificate Template

Rugby Union Certificate Template

The light colored certificate has a sophisticated look with the use of a beautiful pattern and green color as its border. The lovely header and the illustration to its center make it a promising one as an award certificate for rgby players.

Rugby Union Coaching Certificate

Rugby Union Coaching Certificate


The wide ornamental border having an intricate pattern in white on a gray background and the use of light blue color as the certificate background color presents an elegant picture. While the text in black is aligned to the left, it also features an illustration of a rugby player in white and green to its right.

Sample Rugby Certificate

Sample Rugby Certificate


With a wide border only at one side and a watermark featuring a rugby player, the certificate looks unconventional. The use of maroon and white compliment each other brilliantly while the use of a beautiful font style make it an apt choice for you to award an outstanding rugby player.

Touch Rugby Certificate Template

Touch Rugby Certificate Template


The flowery border in light color around the white background makes it an eye-catching one. The icing on the cake is, however, the red header and the beautiful illustration to its top-left corner in blue. It also features a watermark of a rugby player.

Please share your valuable opinions about our collection. We put a great effort to bring the best Rugby certificates that you can use right away.