General physician PowerPoint Template

A general physician, also known as a general practitioner treats multiple health problems of small or severe complexity at their early stages of development and prevents them non-surgically.

Health detriments PowerPoint Template

In modern times, it is increasingly difficult to keep in good health from a medical viewpoint because of the lure of processed food and luxury, leading to a sedentary and destructive lifestyle.

Injections PowerPoint Template

It is a non-surgical medical process wherein a clean needle and a syringe filled with medicinal liquid is inserted into the flesh for immunization and to prevent the growth of infection inside and outside the body.    

Antibiotics PowerPoint Template

Also referred to as antibacterials, it is a form of medication that helps in the slowing down of the growth of bacteria inside the body and preventing their further reproduction.  

Internet as health tool PowerPoint Template

Internet has helped us in many ways, from research to getting shopping done online and now, it can come across as a handy tool for boosting the field of medicinal science further.

Common health problems PowerPoint Template

Due to change in lifestyle and weather from what it was years ago, the occurrence of diseases has greatly increased and thus medicines are valued more than they ever were.

Medical precautions PowerPoint Template

Also referred to as Universal precautions, they are a set of standard rules and regulations followed by all hospitals and medical treatment institutions globally.  

Emergency care PowerPoint Template

During sudden onset of illnesses, emergency aid is very handy and usually, such emergency kits are available at most public institutions.

Genetics PowerPoint Template

It is a branch of science with predominant roots in biology, focusing on the study of heredity and genealogy in living beings. In medical genetics, the link between genetics and human health is studied in-depth and is also used for curing possible diseases such as cancer.

Pharmaceutical tablets PowerPoint Template

One of the most used forms of medical dosage; tablets are a form of oral drug in compressed or solid state, made from chemical powder with added flavour to enhance taste of the medicine.