Reading Counts Awards: 10 Free Printable Awards (Reward Good Reading Skills)

Encourage your students/children to improve their interest levels towards reading by introducing an incentive program called “Reading Counts Program”. This program helps children to read more. Also, Reading Counts Awards are highly motivating and fun for the children to improve one’s reading levels and encourage to develop good reading habits. 

In the world of i Phones and laptops children have gave up on their reading habits. Children, nowadays, prefer everything in 4G speed which does not let them appreciate the fulfilling feeling of savoring each paragraph of a book. They are alien to the concept of entering in the world of a book while reading as they are too engrossed in their virtual world of Play Stations.

In order to enlighten today’s generation about books and their enchanting world many organizations and school institutions have initiated a program known as reading count program. This program is a secure-method to create interest in a child towards books.

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What does reading count mean?

Reading Counts is an stimulus  based reading program in which students can read a book of interest, whether fiction or non-fiction, and then take a short quiz to test comprehension.  If the student passes the quiz the student earns points, which at some schools can then be cashed in for a prize or award.

It is well said that “Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are”.  Being a teacher it is all on up to you to motivate the reading skill. It requires some motivate to cultivate the habit of reading.

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In order to motivate children schools award them with Reading count certificates which certifies their achievement and growth in reading skills. Children who complete the task of reading counts are awarded the certificates. These certificates can also certify a child’s strong reading skills in later future.

Since certificates are nothing less than a memorandum, they are designed to peek a child’s interest. They are designed in such manner that the child can show-off it proudly on his/her shelf.

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In this article we are provide you free reading count printable awards.

Reading count award certificate

So, have a glimpse on these colorful and attractive reading certificates which you can distribute as a prize. Yes, give the certificates to your students and create a healthy competition environment among the readers.

Go and grab one. Here we are presenting a wide variety of certificates which is in editable format too.

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Reading achievements certificate

Reading achievement is sound so jaunty for those who are having reading as a hobby. By reading we always doesn’t mean that you are allowed to read the book of your syllabus reading can be of any kind of book you want to read that is comic fictional and non fictional. Popular reading incentives are bookmarks, edible treats and vouchers. Many teachers keep a prize box or we can say treasure chest which is filled with small prizes, and reward super readers with a chance to choose a prize of their own choice.

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Reading reward and incentive

Although reading reward let you set up fun little reading stimulus in your classroom to motivate you kids to read. Teacher who have little elective budget can often use small prizes or small tickets to motivate their kids. You can give a ticket to each child for their reading and then end of the year you can cash them or convert that ticket into a big bang prize. It is well said that one can work hard in order to achieve a reward. So, you can provide different award certificates according to their no of tickets they collected.

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Reading counts goal sheet

A reading count goal sheet is as sheet which is provided by the teacher to their student who has taken the participation in the reading count quiz. The sheet contains the score of the student which they have scored in their quiz. After the submission of the score sheet each student get reward on the basis of their overall performance. It is a goal set by their teachers to increase their performances which will create a healthy and a positive environment among students. Here we are having different format of goal sheet each having a colorful background which will attract children and fill them with zeal.

Reading Counts Awards Certificates

Scholastic reading count

Scholastic reading count also known as SRC is a reading management program which helps teachers to encourage and assess their student for independent reading. It includes thousand of k-12 quizzes and teacher may include or create their own quizzes on different themes, topic, grade and author. Teacher may write quizzes on their own on different books present in their library beyond the syllabus of SRC. Quizzes can be customize by making some setting like weight age of each question, passing sores, no of questions attempted correctly.

Scholastic reading count certificates have the logo on the popular publication Scholastic and is awarded by the very institute.

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Reading counts goal setting

Do you know? Most of the people love reading. Hey common, m not talking about the subject books only. But many other options are available in market for example autobiography, motivational, inspirational, frictional, and many more. Some of the books are funny and some teaches you the lesson of life. Reading is a hobby one must pursue it with a great sense of responsibility. In reading you can also set your goals with the help of goal sheet. Let us take an example, in this hectic life schedule one can barely get the time to enjoy it with them only and they can pursue their hobbies. So using our goal sheet you can set a goal to complete a book in limited time span. Setting a goal is a necessity task in order to achieve something.

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How to take a reading counts test at home

A reading count quiz can be held at home. All you need is to just have a little knowledge of the book whether the book is based on fictional story or a motivational one. By just having the knowledge of abstract you can ask anonymous questions from reader. Questions are either based on the characters or on the concept of the book. The moral of the story is one of the finest question ask from every reader.

Scholastic Reading Counts Awards 1

 Reading counts incentive ideas

The best way to identify a good reader is to incent and reward the student for their good reading skills. The reward may include a batch on their bag or on their school uniform which they will show to everyone and can collect appreciations for their rewards. By this it doesn’t mean that whenever you want to reward your children you have to buy a batch. You can also provide them certificates with a good quotient printed on it.  Here we are having a wide range of colorful certificates go and grab one which is best for you in the pool of certificates.