Certificate of Awesomeness: 10 Stunning Templates completely Customizable

Awesome is a word used describing a person who is good at something than the others or profound at doing a particular thing. People are awesome and to display the unique charismatic qualities of the people certificate of awesomeness is awarded.

The Certificate of awesomeness is a document handed to the people who show certain qualities which sound cool to others like dancing, singing or painting etc. People have a much unique skill and few project those skills excellently which make them look awesome.SO in order to encourage their skill; the certificate of awesomeness is presented to them. These certificates are like a token given to the people to praise their skill set.

Certificate of Awesomeness Template

Generally, the certificate of awesomeness is presented in many fields to create an environment of quality and skillful people. There are few organizations which conduct programs to bring out the talent hidden in the people and those who showcase it excellently. They are been given the certificate of awesomeness. Let’s see few scenarios where these certificates are issued.

Certificate of Awesomeness Template Certificate

Certificate of Awesomeness for Students

In schools, the certificate of awesomeness is handed to the student who shows excellent skills in studies as well as in extra-curricular activities. Many teachers in order to encourage the students to participate in all the activities and improve the performance of learning issue the certificate of awesomeness. For instance, a school introduces a policy that a student who reads at least 10 books shall receive a certificate then every student starts reading a book. By this way, the students improve their reading and teachers encourage the students by handing over the certificate of awesomeness.

Certificate of Awesomeness Template Certificates

Not only in learning but also various extracurricular activities like singing, dancing, role play etc. to encourage the students to participate more into these activities some sort of motivation is required. So to a teacher at school award the certificate of awesomeness to students participating in the activities. Through this, every student wants to participate to gain the certificate. Even the students find the certificate as some sort of achievement for their skills and proud of their abilities. Hence certificate of awesomeness plays a major role in schools.

Certificate of Awesomeness Template Document

Certificate of Awesomeness for Organizations

The certificate of awesomeness is also awarded in organizations. Generally, in major organizations hundreds of employees work and their contributions to the company are very important. So to recognize the work of the employees the certificate of awesomeness is awarded to those employees who do an excellent job at fulfilling their responsibilities and good at what they do.

And in some cases when an employee plays a pivot role in fetching the profits to the organization then the certificate of awesomeness is awarded. This certificate is awarded to ensure that the employees always stay motivated and improve themselves at what they do. Also, it brings an exciting environment among the other employees which drives them to work hard to earn a certificate for themselves.

Certificate of Awesomeness Template Documents

Certificate of Awesomeness Template

The template of the certificate is quite simple.it consists of the fields such as the presenter of the certificate and the receiver along with the recognition field for which the award is being given.

Many people make these certificates and present it to their dear friends or among the family members.

Certificate of Awesomeness Template Word

Certificate of Awesomeness awarded by parents

Some parents to motivate their children the certificate of awesomeness is handed. Many parents want their children to excel at everything so to motivate their child to participate in activities they issue this certificate. In some cases, if the kids fail at some activities then parents to console their kids they award this certificate of awesomeness as a token of participation.

Certificate of Awesomeness Template Words

Certification awarded fields

There are many fields where the certification of awesomeness is presented such as the following

  • Certificate of achievement in Drums
  • Certificate of good behavior
  • Certificate for reading 100 books
  • Certificate for best Halloween costume
  • Certificate for best singing
  • Certificate for best dancing
  • Certificate for best employee of the year

These are few fields to name where the certificate of awesomeness is awarded

Certificate of Awesomeness Templates

Certificate of achievements in drums – It is presented to the person who is very good at playing drums; so to motivate the skills of the person the certificate of achievement in drums is given.

Certificate of good behavior – To ensure that a student behaves well in the classroom the teacher issues the certificate of awesomeness to the student. In the same way, it is applied to the other fields also.

Certificate of Awesomeness Word Template

Certificate of awesomeness for restaurants

The certificate of awesomeness is also presented in the restaurants. For example, if the restaurant has nice hospitality then the certificate is issued for it; when it comes to the food the hotel rates the quality of the food served to the customers and based on the reviews certificate is given by the customers. The owner gives the certificate of the template to the chef for cooking and serving the best food.

Certificate of Awesomeness Word Templates

How to create a certificate of Awesomeness online

Actually, there are many online sites which offer services to create the certificate but few people prefer to prepare the certificate for themselves so that they can personally design the certificate and present. So creating a certificate is very simple and one has to follow the below steps to create it.

  • Pick a size and shape
  • Choose a theme
  • Personalize your brand with images
  • Describe with engaging text
  • Download, share, or print

First, a specific size and shape are to be selected apart from the normal rectangular appearances there exist several of other templates of various shapes and sizes.

The next step is to choose a theme for the certificate and each can have a distinct style and user can add various touches to the screen to customize the certificate.

The third step is to personalize the theme of the certificate by adding images to it.Here the user can add the images according to the type of certificate awarded.

Now comes the part where the systemic settings for the text are done like adjusting the size of the text to bold or italic or new font size etc.

Then finally after finishing the modification the certificate is ready and can be awarded to the people.

The certificate of awesomeness is a symbol of achievement given to the people who showed exceptional qualities. These certificates of awesomeness are considered as a token of excellence given to the people to encourage them for further opportunities. So many people want to make themselves look better in front of others so they try to get these certificates for them.